Can a Generator Run an Oxygen Concentrator?
For patients using oxygen concentrators, there may be some concern as to how to continue to run the concentrator during a power outage. Some take batteries, but for those that do not, generators can be an extra option for power.

An oxygen concentrator is a device used for patients that delivers a high concentration of oxygen by separating oxygen from ambient air. Oxygen concentrators are often used in home health care and anesthesia.
How It Works
An oxygen concentrator sucks in ambient air, which consists of 21 percent oxygen and 78 percent nitrogen, and filter out the nitrogen, leaving pure oxygen to be compressed and pumped into a tank for patients to use. Both standard and mobile oxygen concentrators run off of regular power sources as well as on batteries.
Generator Power
In case of a power outage, if batteries are not an option, you can run an oxygen concentrator off a small generator. A generator that uses between 400 and 1,500 watts will give the concentrator enough power.
Writer Bio
Wendy Morgan has been writing professionally since 2003, writing for Anderson University's annual literary publication "Ivy Leaves" as well as the campus newspaper. She writes and edits educational brochures for Tri-County Technical college and holds a Bachelor of Arts in communications from Anderson University.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
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