How to Hide Curtain Ring Clips
You can hang curtains faster and easier with curtain clip rings. These accessories simplify the process of pulling the curtains across the curtain rod, which is helpful if the curtains are in a location that requires this process frequently. However, curtain clip rings can detract from the elegance of the drapes or curtains. You can use one of several techniques to hide the rings while you continue to enjoy the benefits.

Step 1
Create a valance to conceal the top of the curtains and the rings. Valances are typically made of wood, but you may use a supporting rod with curved sides. Determine where you wish to place the rod and ensure that the position is adequate for the valance to cover the top of the curtain when it is installed. Measure the width of the area. Determine the depth you desire for the sides of the supporting rod. Add this measurement to the width to discover the length of the supporting rod. Purchase a rod that fits this measurement and create or purchase a valance to fit the rod. Install the rod according to the manufacturer’s instructions and hang the valance.
Step 2
Drape a scarf over the rod. Some people install a separate curtain rod for the scarf swag, but you may drape it onto the rod on which you have installed the curtain rings. Measure the length of the curtain rod and the length you desire for the two side tales. Cut fabric to this measurement and hem the unfinished edges. Drape the scarf over the ends of the curtain rod and stretch it across the curtain rod so that it covers the top of the curtain.
Step 3
Attach each clip to a spot that is 2 to 4 inches down from the top edge of the curtains. This way, the top edge of the curtains hides the clips. It is best to use this method on thicker fabric or lined drapes that are long enough to discount the pinched sections.
Writer Bio
Tina Amo has been writing business-related content since 2006. Her articles appear on various well-known websites. Amo holds a Bachelor of Science in business administration with a concentration in information systems.
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