How to Make Flat Paint Shiny & Glossy
Flat paint is ideal for disguising tiny defects in walls, yet it has a matte finish that you might find dull. Giving flat paint a glossy, shiny appearance is possible if you use a glazing medium. Providing a transparent, glossy look to the flat paint can be accomplished relatively quickly and with few supplies.
Step 1
Lay a covering on the floor underneath your painting project. A drop cloth or an old sheet is ideal. The glazing medium drips quite easily off the plastic wrap.
Step 2
Shake the can of glazing medium well to mix the contents. Remove the lid.
Step 3
Pour approximately half the can into a painter's tray. Replace the lid on the can.
Step 4
Tear off about two feet of plastic wrap. This is an excellent material for applying the glazing medium as it does not absorb any of the product. The result is a glossy shine on the wall or other object.
Step 5
Wad up the plastic wrap so it forms a ball you can hold well in one hand.
Step 6
Press the wad of plastic wrap into the glaze.
Step 7
Touch the glaze lightly to the wall or project to apply the glazing medium. Do this about eight times for every two or three square feet of an area.
Step 8
Smear the wet glaze spots toward each other with the wadded plastic wrap. Work quickly as the medium dries in about 15 minutes. Do this until the area is covered well with the glaze.
Step 9
Repeat the dabbing and smearing of the medium over the entire project, working in small sections until the project is complete.
- Glazing medium is sold at hardware and paint supply stores. If you want to add a sheer tint of color to the flat paint, choose a tinted glazing medium to transform the look.
- Mix the glazing medium with the flat paint if you haven't already applied it to the project. Read the directions to determine the ratio of paint and glaze.
Writer Bio
Chelsea Fitzgerald covers topics related to family, health, green living and travel. Before her writing career, she worked in the medical field for 21 years. Fitzgerald studied education at the University of Arkansas and University of Memphis.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images
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