How to Drape Window Scarves Over Valances for Vertical Blinds
Vertical blinds are useful in blocking light and creating privacy for large window areas such as sliding glass doors. However, vertical blinds do not usually have much embellishment apart from a simple valance. Draping a scarf or other fabric that looks the same on both sides over the valance helps fill out the wall area around the glassed space and enhance the room’s visual appeal. There are no hard and fast rules for draping scarves over vertical blind valances, but there are some guidelines that will help you create your own special window treatment.

Step 1
Hem the scarf all the way around so that no raw edges show. It will make hanging the scarf easier in that you will not have to be trying to hide unfinished fabric.
Step 2
Hang the scarf from the existing valance of the vertical blinds or remove the existing valance and use another hanging method. Use a wooden or metal pole curtain rod that fits in with your room décor. Another hardware possibility is mounting three or more scarf hooks with rings across the top of the vertical blinds spaced evenly.
Step 3
Drape the scarf in swags across the top of the blinds. Use a string to plan out the swags before hanging the scarf. The swags look best when they are all the same size or at least in a symmetrical size pattern on each side of center. Hot glue, staple, pin or stitch the swags in place onto the hardware or to themselves in hidden places so they keep their shape. Another option is to hang two different scarves over the valance stretching across each half of the blinds and overlapping in the middle.
Step 4
Use scarves long enough for the tails to hang down the sides of the vertical blinds. They can hang down to any point you like. Both sides should hang evenly for a polished look. The longer the scarves hang down the sides, the more formal the look. If the scarves puddle on the floor, all the better. Mount tieback brackets on the wall to hold long scarf tails back.
Step 5
Step back from your work often during draping the scarf to view your work from the perspective of people walking into the room. You will see unbalanced arranging more easily from a distance.
- Another option is to fold a series of smaller scarves the size of linen dinner napkins diagonally into triangles. Hang them at the folds across the top of the vertical blind with the points hanging down.
Writer Bio
Karren Doll Tolliver holds a Bachelor of English from Mississippi University for Women and a CELTA teaching certificate from Akcent Language School in Prague. Also a photographer, she records adventures by camera, combining photos with journals in her blogs. Her latest book, "A Travel for Taste: Germany," was published in 2015.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/ Images
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