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How to Make a Fence With Corrugated Plastic Roofing

Bob Haring

Corrugated fiberglass panels, often called plastic panels, are used for roofing carports, patios, decks, sheds and other structures. They also are sometimes inserted into other roofing to act as skylights, allowing light to enter but blocking rain and snow. Clear panels also can be used as siding, to build greenhouses and garden sheds. When installed as fencing, fiberglass panels allow light to come through, but block images, so they combine airiness with privacy. Building a fence with fiberglass panels is much like building one with plywood sheets or wood latticework.

Step 1

Lay out the fence line with stakes and builder's twine and mark spots with stakes for posts, to conform to the coverage of the panels; panels are available with coverage widths from 36 to 42 inches, allowing for overlap between panels. Place posts for 36-inch panels 6 feet apart, for instance, so two vertical panels will fill the space between posts.

Step 2

Set 4-by-4-inch posts in concrete. Dig holes with a posthole digger about a third of the finished fence height, 2 feet deep for a 6-foot fence, using 8-foot posts. Mix concrete, using a prepared mixture, in a wheelbarrow with a hoe as a mixer. Add water to the dry mix as recommended on the package. Plumb the posts in the holes with a level and fill the hole around each post with concrete up to ground level.

Step 3

Fasten 2-by-4-inch boards to the posts horizontally with galvanized screws, one board at the top of the fence, one in the middle and one at the bottom. Drive screws with a screw gun, two screws in each board into each post.

Step 4

Fasten the panels to the 2-by-4s with galvanized screws, driven into the wood at the corrugation valleys. Drill pilot holes with a power drill through the panels. Put two screws into each horizontal board. Set panels with corrugations vertical, for drainage. Overlap panels where two connect and put screws through both panels. Let the bottom of the panels stop an inch or so above ground level to allow drainage. Cut panels with a jig saw where necessary. Butt panel edges together in the center of a post at corners.