How to Make Knife-Edge Cushions
Knife-edge cushions are an easy cushion style for a beginner to sew. These cushions add comfort and color to all decorating styles. Use the cushions to add a splash of color to a sofa, or make comfortable seating on dining room chairs. Knife-edge cushions for outdoor use make sitting in your favorite patio chair more pleasurable. Trim the cushions with braid, fringe, or ruffles to add your personal flair and decorative touches.
Basic Knife-Edge Cushion

For fabrics that are washable, wash and dry the fabric. Press the fabric before beginning to cut your cushion covers.
Measure the pillow form and add 5/8 inch to the measurements for seams. Fold the fabric right sides together. Transfer the measurements to the fabric, marking with chalk. Cut the fabric on the marked lines.
Sew a zigzag stitch around the edges of fabric that tends to ravel or fray. Lay the cushion pieces together with right sides together aligning all edges, and pin.
Machine stitch around three sides of the cushion, leaving one side open. Clip the corners diagonally. Turn the cushion cover right side out and press. For sharper corners, use a knitting needle or the eraser end of a pencil to push the corners out square. Fold the edges of the open end to the inside and press. Insert the pillow form into the cushion cover. Pin the open edges together and hand stitch the opening closed. Sew a zipper to the open ends if you prefer.
Adding Trim to Knife-Edge Cushions
After measuring and cutting the fabric, add fringe to one of the cushion covers. Lay one of the cushion covers right side up. Pin the fringe around the edges of the cover, fold at a 90-degree angle at the corners. Stitch around the fringe. Pin the second cushion cover to the first with right sides together. Stitch through all layers, leaving one end open for inserting the pillow form. Insert the pillow form and hand stitch the opening closed.
Embellish your cushion with purchased piping or cording. Pin the cording to the right side of one of the cushion covers. Stitch around the cording using a zipper foot. Place the second cushion cover on top of the corded cover with right sides together. Stitch around three sides, leaving one side open to insert the pillow form. Insert the pillow form and hand stitch closed.
Attach ruffles or lace edging to the cushions in the same manner as attaching fringe.
- When making knife-edge cushions as chair cushions, choose tightly woven fabrics.
Writer Bio
Myra Smith has retired from the business world after successfully working as a manager in the accounting field over twenty years. Smith received her education in Texas (high school) and Missouri (University of Missouri) business courses offered by employer. Smith has now embarked on an exciting second career as a writer for Demand Studios. Smith writes articles in the Home and Garden section.
Photo Credits
- sofa and cushions image by Gina Smith from
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