How to Build a Dog House for a Beagle
A dog house is a shelter designed to keep dogs out of the elements and can vary from a basic four-wall structure with a roof to an elaborate, multi-room building. For a beagle, a medium-sized dog house generally works well. Depending on climate, insulation may be needed to keep the dog warm in winter. A basic medium-sized dog house for a beagle can usually be built in a weekend.

Cut three 2-by-2 board to a length of 48 inches with the saw to create the underside braces. Cut eight 1-by-6 boards to a length of 31 1/4 inches with the saw to create the floorboards.
Lay the three 48-inch underside braces parallel to one another. Lay the eight 31 1/4-inch floorboards horizontally on top of the underside braces. Line up the ends of the floorboards to lie flush with the outside of the braces.
Nail the floorboards to the underside braces with a hammer and nails to create the floor of the dog house.
Wall Frames
Cut four 2-by-2 boards to a length of 31 1/4 inches with the saw. Cut eight 2-by-2 boards to a length of 14 inches with the saw.
Lay two of the 31 1/4-inch boards parallel to each other, 14 inches apart. Place a 14- inch board between the 31 1/4-inch boards on the left side. Nail the boards into place with a hammer and nails.
Place a second 14-inch board between the two longer boards on the right side. Nail into place. This completes a rectangle from the four boards.
Measure eight inches in from the left side of the rectangle with a tape measure. Mark the measurement with a pencil. Place a 14-inch board between the longer boards at the marks. Nail into place with a hammer and nails.
Measure eight inches from the right side of the wall and place a 14-inch board between the longer pieces. Nail into place. This completes the frame for the front wall of the dog house.
Repeat entire process to create the frame for the rear wall of the dog house.
Nail the front and rear wall frames to the floor of the dog house with the hammer and nails.
Cut two 2x2 boards to a length of 44 inches with the saw. Place a 44-inch board along the top of the front and back wall frames on the right side. Nail the boards to the wall frames to create the right-wall frame.
Repeat the process on the left side to create the left-wall frame.
Wall Panels
Measure the plywood panel into two 20-by-48-inch rectangles with the tape measure. Cut the two rectangles with a saw to create the side panels of the dog house.
Measure and cut two more plywood rectangles to 32-by-36 inches to create the front and back panels of the house.
Lay the back panel down with the 36-inch sides as the top and bottom. Measure 18 inches in to the center of the top of the panel with a tape measure and mark with a pencil.
Measure up 20 inches from the bottom of the left side of the panel and mark with a pencil. Repeat on the right side of the panel.
Connect the mark on the left side of the panel to the mark in the middle of the top of the panel with a straight edge. Mark a line connecting the two points with a pencil. Repeat process on the right side.
Cut along the two lines with a circular saw to create the peak of the roof line for the dog house.
Lay the back panel on the front panel and use as a template to mark the peak of the roof line on the front panel. Cut the roof line on the front panel with a circular saw.
Measure 12 inches in from the left side of the front panel with the tape measure. Mark the measurement on the bottom of the panel with a pencil.
Measure up from the mark 16 inches and mark measurement with a pencil. Measure and mark 12 inches to the right and then 16 inches down to the edge of the front panel to create the outline of the door. Cut out the door with a saw.
Secure the plywood panels the each side of the house with a hammer and nails. Attach the panels to the frames in the corners first, then nail toward the center, spacing the nails about six inches apart.
Roof Rafters
Cut six 2-by-2-by-22-inch boards. Cut a 45-degree angle on the ends of the boards.
Place two of the boards end to end to form an inverted V-shape. Nail the boards together to create a roof rafter.
Repeat the process with the remaining four boards to make two more roof rafters.
Nail one of the roof rafters to the front of the side frame. Nail another roof rafter to the back end of the side frame.
Evenly space the two remaining roof rafters between the front and rear roof rafters and nail into place.
Cut 10 1-by-6-by-60-inch boards to create the roof boards.
Place a roof board along the bottom of the rafters. Allow for overhang along the bottom and at the front and back of the roof. Nail the roof board into place.
Place the next roof board on the roof, overlapping the previous board, and nail into place. Overlapping the boards helps prevent water from leaking inside the house.
Continue to install the boards up to the top of the roof.
Repeat the process to install the roof on the other side of the dog house.