How to Kill Fleas Inside
Typically, if your pet has fleas, your home has fleas. Flea infestation in the home can be quite problematic because fleas can bite members of the household. In addition, if fleas live in your environment, they will continue to infest the pets in your home, even if you've treated them. Killing fleas in your home involves two types of attack: you must get rid of the fleas on the pet and treat your home. If not, the fleas will jump off the pet to the inside environment. If you don't have pets, treating your flea problem will likely be easier because you only have one factor to contend with. Although it may take some time, it is possible to eliminate fleas from an inside environment.

Apply a flea treatment to your pet if you have one. Typically, the safest and most effective pet flea treatments are available through your veterinarian.
Vacuum the floors in your home. Fleas have a few different stages of life: eggs, larva, pupae and adult. To eliminate all of the stages from your home, you will need to vacuum. During its larval stage, a flea is wrapped in a cocoon that protects it from coming in contact with insecticides. Even if the larva is sprayed with flea control products, it can hatch a few days later, causing adult fleas to emerge into your home and creating a new life cycle. Vacuuming will remove the larva from your carpets and rugs and prevent them from turning into adults. Pay special attention to the floorboards and any other cracks and crevices. Vacuum any upholstered furniture as well. Remove the bag from the vacuum and dispose of it outdoors or empty the vacuum canister outdoors.
Wash or destroy all pet bedding or material the pet comes in contact with. Washing bedding material in hot water and laundry detergent will remove and kill the fleas.
Fog your home with a pesticide fog. The fog will release a pesticide spray into the home that will land on and treat all exposed surfaces. The fog will likely eliminate any flea it comes in contact with. Cover any areas you do not wish to be treated. In addition, all humans and pets should leave the home while it is being treated and not return for a few hours. Follow the directions of the product label for use and recommendations.
Apply flea spray to areas hidden underneath objects the fog can't come into contact with. For instance, treat spaces under tables, furniture, under rugs and under couch and chair cushions.
Repeat this process in two to three weeks. Doing so will help remove any fleas the treatments did not get the first time. In addition, it will treat any fleas that hadn't hatched before the first treatment. Vacuum about every 10 days until the fleas are eliminated from your home.
- You may need to treat your yard or other outdoor environment to eliminate the flea presence inside. Apply insecticide to your yard according to the directions on the label.
Photo Credits
- boots on carpet image by jimcox40 from
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