How to Build a Brick Bench and Table
Brick is a building material that has been around for hundreds of years. Several different manufacturers create beautiful and colorful decorative brick which allows designers to work with brick in several creative ways. Brick is a highly dependable building material used in several landscape projects throughout the country. Brick is known for its strength and support in building projects. Some landscape designers find it quite fulfilling to create outdoor furniture using brick. Creating a brick table and bench allows any homeowner to provide comfortable seating for their friends and family at any outdoor gathering.
Make the Bench

Level the ground for the bench with the shovel. Remove only enough dirt to level the ground and check with the leveler to ensure a flat surface. Mix mortar according to package directions, and apply a 1-inch layer on the designated area that covers a ground surface of 48-inches in length by 12-inches in depth. Smooth mortar with trowel.
Lay the front row of bricks for the bench by setting the first corner brick so that the 4-inch side is facing forward. Lay 5 bricks next to the corner brick so the 8-inch side is facing forward, lining them up to the front edge of the corner. Set the corner brick at the opposite end in the same manner as the first corner so the 4-inch edge is facing forward.
Finish the base layer of bricks by laying the middle row of bricks by setting five bricks in the same manner as the front row between the corners. Lay 6 bricks side by side to span across the 48-inch bench base. Cover the entire base with mortar working it through every crack with the trowel.
Lay the second layer of bricks in the opposite manner as the base layer. Set the corner bricks displaying the 4-inch side to the rear of the bench. Place 5 bricks along the rear of the bench so the 8-inch side is facing out. Lay the 5 bricks in the center row between the corner bricks, and lay 6 bricks on the front row so the 8-inch side of the bricks faces forward.
Cover the second layer of bricks with mortar and use the trowel to fill all of the cracks. Finish up the bench by repeating steps two through four until you stack a total of 9 layers of bricks. This will create a 48-inch by 12-inch bench 18-inches high. Allow mortar to dry for 24-hours before using the bench.
Build the Table
Assemble the 2 by 4 supports for the table top. Select one 48-inch 2 by 4 and two 28 1/2-inch 2 by 4s. Lay them flat on the ground to create a U-shaped structure with the two 28 1/2-inch sections as the legs and the 48-inch section as the base. Line up each 28 1/2-inch section with the each end of the 48-inch boards and drive two nails through the 48-inch section into the 28 1/2-inch structure. Repeat this with the remaining three pieces.
Level the ground for the table to be placed with the shovel. Remove only enough dirt to level the ground and check with the level to ensure a flat surface. Mix mortar according to package directions, and apply a 1-inch layer on the designated area that covers a ground surface of 48-inches in length by 8-inches in depth. Smooth mortar with trowel.
Lay the front row of bricks for the table base by setting the first corner brick so that the 4-inch side is facing forward. Lay 5 bricks next to the corner brick so the 8-inch side is facing forward, lining them up to the front edge of the corner. Lay 5 additional bricks between the back side of the corner bricks to create a base that measures 8-inches deep by 48-inches wide.
Apply a thick layer of mortar over the base layer of bricks. Be sure to fill in any cracks or crevices between bricks. Wipe away access mortar with the trowel. Lay the second layer of bricks on top of the base layer. This layer will be 6 bricks in both rows from end to end with the 8-inch brick sides facing out. Apply a thick layer of mortar over the second layer of bricks. Be sure to fill in any cracks or crevices between bricks. Wipe away access with the trowel.
Repeat steps 3 and 5 until the entire base of the table is finished. You will have a total of 15 layers of bricks placed for the table base.
Place the Table Top
Set one U-shaped 2 by 4 structure on each 48-inch side of the table base. This will create a removable support system for the table top. Make sure the top of the U-shapes are level with the table base top. Apply mortar to the top of the table base top. Make sure you do not apply any mortar to the U-shaped structures as these will be removed once the mortar dries.
Attach the table top to the table base. Line up the edge of the table top bricks with the back edge of the base bricks. Lay 12 bricks side by side to span across the front edge of the table, displaying the 4-inch side of the brick. Repeat the table top process by laying 12 bricks along the opposite 48-inch side. Four inches of each brick will be supported by the table base while the remaining four inches will rest temporarily on the U-shaped support.
Fill in the crevices between the bricks with mortar. Smooth the surface of the brick, removing any excess mortar that remains on the surface. Remove the U-shaped supports carefully after 24 hours.
Writer Bio
Nicole Byerly has been writing since 2003. She has published multiple works that have appeared in "Campus Philly." Byerly is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in cybersecurity at Utica College.
Photo Credits
- Brick image by Luke Haverkamp from
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