How to Convert a Grill from a Propane Tank to a Propane Line
When you become tired of refilling that 5-gallon propane tank sitting beneath your gas grill, consider hooking up the appliance to a propane line connected to your main house tank. Converting from the smaller tank to a propane line hooked to the main residential propane supply involves measuring the distance from your grill to the larger tank connection. Once you know the distance, purchase a propane line with connectors from a liquid propane (LP) gas dealer. Some hardware stores also carry long gas lines.

Shut off the valve on the small tank you currently use beneath or beside the grill, turning the knob on top clockwise to halt the gas flow. Also close the main house tank valve. The control knob is on the top or at one end of the tank.
Disconnect and remove the regulator from the small tank and your grill with pliers. You will not need that part because the house propane supply has its own regulator.
Measure the distance between the home propane supply and the grill. This measurement is the length of gas line needed. Purchase a gas line from a propane dealer or hardware store. The propane gas line needs to have a coupler on each end.
Hook the gas line to the regulator on the main propane tank, tightening the connection with the pliers. The main propane tank is typically behind a house. Run the line below or alongside the house deck or patio to the grill. Don't run the line across the ground where it could be cut by a lawnmower or garden tools.
Attach the connector on the other end of the gas line to the gas nozzle on the back of your grill.
Open the valve on the main propane tank, and check along the line to the grill for evidence of a leak. Propane makes a soft, hissing noise and carries a distinctive odor. If you notice those signs or other signs of a leak, shut off the tank and reconnect each end of the gas line.
Writer Bio
James Clark began his career in 1985. He has written about electronics, appliance repair and outdoor topics for a variety of publications and websites. He has more than four years of experience in appliance and electrical repairs. Clark holds a bachelor's degree in political science.
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