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How to Dispose of Wood With Termites

Elton Dunn

Termite-infested wood must be handled with care since improper storage or disposal can result in termites migrating to other wood surfaces, causing more damage. Areas that are prone to termite damage have stricter regulations than areas where damage is occasional; failure to comply with local protocol could violate laws regarding termites. If you've got a termite problem, save the wood in your home and in your neighborhood by acting fast to prevent termites from spreading.

  1. Call your city's building services or building inspection department and ask about what to do following termite infestation. Proper protocols differ by location. In Louisiana, for example, termite-infested wood cannot be moved until it is inspected by a local termite inspector.

  2. Quarantine small amounts of wood in a lidded container and large amounts in a contained space like a cellar or garage until the inspection takes place. Receive a report from the inspector, which serves as proof you complied with instructions. If you aren't mandated to go through an inspection service, skip this step.

  3. Load the termite-infested wood into the back of an open truck. Drive the wood to the proper place for disposal, as instructed by city officials in building services. Termite-infested wood typically goes to a waste management site for safe disposal. Depending on where you live and how much wood you have, you may need to make an appointment to drop off the wood or pay a fee; community officials can advise you about this.

  4. Show the report at the transfer station or waste management site as proof that your wood was inspected. Unload the termite-infested wood as directed by personnel at the site.