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Black Porcelain Stove Top vs. Stainless

Dirk Huds

Black porcelain stovetops feature a sleek, smooth surface while stainless ones have traditional electric or gas burners. Each has their own advantages and disadvantages in the kitchen, depending on your needs.

Black Porcelain Stove Top vs. Stainless

It is often said that the kitchen is the heart of the home and that the stove is the heart of the kitchen. If so, choosing the right kind of stovetop that suits both the aesthetic of the room and the lifestyle of the family that uses it is essential. Black porcelain and stainless steel are two options for stovetop material, each with advantages and disadvantages.

Porcelain Advantages

Black porcelain gives a sleek and modern aesthetic feel to a stovetop. These stovetops feature a completely smooth surface with heated electric or induction burners located under the glass. Porcelain is also a durable material that should last for many years, provided it is cared for and cleaned appropriately. When cleaning it, you must use a non-abrasive cloth and ceramic cleansing cream to prevent scratches.

Although porcelain stovetops require a special cleanser, because the surface of the stovetop is smooth, it's easier to keep clean than traditional raised burners with all of their hard-to-reach crevices. When up to temperature, porcelain is an energy-efficient material, retaining heat for longer than other materials. The dark color limits the visibility of any stains that do appear on the stovetop.

Porcelain Disadvantages

The main disadvantage of porcelain stovetops is that they are more prone to damage than stainless steel. Dropping a heavy-based saucepan or cast-iron pot onto a porcelain stovetop risks chipping or cracking the surface. Spilled food can stain porcelain stovetops if not cleaned up immediately. Porcelain stovetops also tend to take longer to achieve the desired cooking temperature than stainless steel. Furthermore, they are typically more expensive to purchase than stainless-steel alternatives.

Stainless Steel Advantages

Stainless steel gives a professional aesthetic look to a kitchen. A stainless-steel stovetop also tends to look good with modern cookware, which is commonly made of the same material. Spilled food does not tend to stick to stainless steel, and with proper care and attention, a stainless-steel stovetop should last a long time. Gas burners on stainless-steel stovetops heat up more quickly than electric ones, making them ideal for busy cooks.

Stainless Steel Disadvantages

Stainless steel is effective at minimizing food stains, but if water is spilled on it and not cleaned off immediately, it can leave a mark that is difficult to subsequently remove. Wire wool and other scouring cleaning materials should not be used on stainless-steel stovetops, as they can permanently scratch the surface. Other marks can also remain on older stainless steel surfaces, such as marks from fingerprints, which can make the stovetop appear unclean. Fortunately, newer fingerprint-resistant stainless steel stovetops are easier to maintain.