How Bad Will My Vinyl Red House Fade?
Vinyl siding is an inexpensive and effective way to protect your home from the elements. Vinyl siding is easy to install and lasts for years. It is available in a range of colors to suit every taste. Because vinyl siding is known to experience a loss of color, homeowners might be concerned about how badly their red vinyl siding will fade over time.
About Vinyl Siding

For low cost and easy of maintenance, vinyl siding is hard to beat. Vinyl siding is available in a range of colors and textures. It can even simulate clapboard, shakes, brick and stone. Vinyl is a durable material that comes in several grades. As with other products, higher quality materials might cost more, have a better appearance and retain their good looks for a longer period of time. Maintenance and brushing with a solution of 1/3 cup laundry detergent, 2/3 cup powdered household cleaner, one quart liquid laundry bleach in one gallon of water is all that is needed to remove dirt from a vinyl surface. Repairing seriously damaged panels is easy. Simply remove the damaged area and snap in a new, matching piece of siding.
Vinyl Siding Colors
Vinyl siding is available in a wide choice of colors, from classic neutral shades to bold reds, blues and greens. Choosing a siding color for your home might include a number of factors, including personal preference, style of the home, neighborhood standards and how often you are willing to clean the siding. When choosing, be aware that color names can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Colors might also look different in various kinds of light, in the shade of trees and in full sunlight.
Fading of Vinyl Siding
In the past, vinyl siding was made with polyvinyl chloride, a material that faded dark colors. Today’s siding is composed of acrylic, which resists damage from the elements and, therefore, keeps its rich color longer. All siding fades to some degree. After 10 to 15 years, the loss of original color can be significant, depending on weather conditions. Dark colors like red will tend to fade more than lighter colors when exposed to constant sunlight, according to the VinylSidingSource website. Excessive fading within the warranty period might be covered by the manufacturer.
Preventing Fading of Vinyl Siding Colors
Purchasing high-quality vinyl siding that has UV protection in the formula will help to preserve the color longer. Ensure that your siding is has a warranty that covers fading, at least in a limited way. Choose lighter colors in areas of the country with intense heat and sunlight. The Vinyl Siding Institute certifies some types of siding for resistance to fading.
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- Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
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