Black Mold and Lupus
Toxic black mold can have a significant and irreversible impact on your health. If your home was or is infested with black mold, you could be at risk for developing lupus, among other health conditions.

Toxic black mold causes a variety of health problems due to allergic reactions. According to the Lupus Foundation of America, no one knows for sure why certain people develop lupus, but the general consensus is that black mold is a possible trigger for the disease.
If you have a black mold infestation in your home, then you are at risk for lupus. This is true even if you do not have a history of the disease in your family.
Black mold is characterized by black, fuzzy or powdery growth. Lupus is characterized by extreme fatigue, joint problems and nausea. A combination of these symptoms with the presence of black mold in your home may indicate that you have contracted lupus as a result of the mold.
Because no one knows what causes lupus, the best thing you can do is avoid triggers such as black mold, which seems to interact with some people's genes to instigate lupus. Avoid black mold by keeping your home well ventilated and repairing leaks and other moisture problems immediately.
Black-mold-infested homes are unsafe for habitation. If you live in such a structure, you must vacate it until the mold has been professionally removed to avoid contracting health conditions and diseases such as lupus.