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How to Remove Plastic Wall Tiles

Carrie Thomas

Removing plastic walls tiles can be a chore. By using a metal paint scraper and an adhesive remover, clearing a wall of plastic tiles can be made easier.

  1. Use the paint scraper to pry up the corner of the tiles. Then with your hands, start pulling the corner of the tile up. Be aware that the tile will probably not come off in one piece, so just keep using the paint scraper to pry up an edge large enough for you to grip.

  2. Get a hammer for stubborn tiles. Place the paint scraper under the edge of a tile, then tap the butt end of the paint scraper with the hammer. Be careful to keep the paint scraper parallel with the wall to avoid gouges.

  3. See if there is still adhesive residue on the wall, once all of the tiles have been removed. Consult your local home improvement store on what adhesive remover is most suitable for your project. Age of the adhesive will affect how it can be removed so find out if you can when they were installed to help find the best method of removal. Taking the time to find this information beforehand can save time and money by avoiding incorrect chemicals and method.

  4. Apply the adhesive remover. Generally, you'll paint on a gel-like remover to the wall, making sure all of the old dry adhesive has been covered. Then, wait for the remover to set. Once the chemical has had time to soak in, use the paint scraper to clean the now soft adhesive off the wall. Keep the paint scraper parallel to the wall to avoid damages.

  5. Scrape off the adhesive with the paint scraper if you prefer not to use a chemical adhesive remover. Use the same technique with the hammer by keeping the paint scraper parallel to the wall and tapping the butt end. Take your time to avoid damaging the wall.

  6. Warning

    Utilize your local home improvement store clerk for guidance about which type of adhesive remover is most appropriate. Follow the manufacturer's specific instructions when using adhesive removing chemicals.