How to Change The Power Shuttle Fluid On A Case 580K Backhoe
The backhoe is an earthmoving machine extensively used in road building, excavating, industrial plants and anywhere else where dirt and other loose material need moving. It has a digging claw on the back end and a large scoop on the front end. The Case 580K backhoe was introduced in 1987 with many new features.

It was stronger and more versatile than previous models. The hydraulic system was designed to be easy to access and maintain. Changing the power shuttle fluid for the transmission system is a basic preventative maintenance check-off.
Things You Will Need
- Wrench
- Brush
- Cleaning solvent
- Silicon sealant
- Transmission fluid
Remove the drain plug from the side of the power shuttle fluid pan case and allow the fluid to drain into a bucket.
Remove the fluid pan bolts and the pan from the case.
Pull out the suction screen and check it for any damage or wear. Clean it with a stiff bristle brush dipped in a grease solvent. Slip it back into place after it is cleaned and dry.
Examine the oil pan for any cracks, oil debris or small particles. The small particles indicates a potential problem within the transmission which should be checked by a qualified technician.
Clean the oil pan with the brush and solvent and let dry.
Apply silicon sealant around the oil pan and in the bolt holes before putting it back on the case. The sealant dries fast in warm weather, so put it on quickly but thoroughly.
Bolt the pan back on the case. Do not over tighten the bolts, which may crack the case.
Open and prop the hood, and remove the filler plug which is one the right side of the engine. Fill with Case TCH Fluid or Case Hy-Tran ULTRA.
Start the engine and let it run for several minutes to distribute the fluid throughout the system. Place the transmission in neutral and check the fluid level to ensure the system is properly operating.
The Drip Cap
- The backhoe is an earthmoving machine extensively used in road building, excavating, industrial plants and anywhere else where dirt and other loose material need moving.
- Changing the power shuttle fluid for the transmission system is a basic preventative maintenance check-off.
- Clean the oil pan with the brush and solvent and let dry.
- Open and prop the hood, and remove the filler plug which is one the right side of the engine.
- Place the transmission in neutral and check the fluid level to ensure the system is properly operating.
Writer Bio
Jack Burton started writing professionally in 1980 with articles in "Word from Jerusalem," "ICEJ Daily News" and Tagalong Garden News. He has managed radio stations, TV studios and newspapers, and was the chief fundraiser for Taltree Arboretum. Burton holds a B.S. in broadcasting from John Brown University. He is a 26-year veteran of the U.S. Navy/Navy Reserves and the Navy Seabees.
Photo Credits
- Hemera Technologies/ Images
- Hemera Technologies/ Images
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