How Can Walkie Talkies Be Used During a Disaster?
Walkie-talkies are hand-held, two-way radios that have been used for communication during disasters since World War II. In wartime settings, walkie-talkies were the only means of live communication for the troops back to their headquarters.

Since then, walkie-talkies have become popular in the general population because they make possible two-way communication in areas not equipped with phone lines and electricity. Having a walkie-talkie can make a difference in life-threatening emergencies.
In a Disaster
Strategically place emergency kits that contain sets of walkie-talkies in easy-to-access locations. Train your workers in the workplace and your family at home in how to get to the walkie-talkies and use them in a disaster.
Walkie-talkies send messages to one another and don't require a cell tower to relay signals. That makes them more reliable than cellphones in remote areas where it's difficult or impossible to get a signal. More advanced walkie-talkie devices are two-way radios that transmit signals over the Family Radio Service (FRS) of the Federal Communications Commission.
Schools, commercial businesses and public facilities are sometimes required to keep a set of walkie-talkies and extra batteries available for communication during a disaster. Each household should have a set handy as well.
Reach for the emergency kit containing the walkie-talkies when disaster strikes. Turn them on, tune into the radio frequency and try to reach someone on the other end. Give one walkie-talkie to someone in your family or group if your kit has more than one. Make sure the communication line is open between the two walkie-talkies before you split up to find help or to help others in an emergency.
Continue to communicate with the other walkie-talkie user and continue to establish a connection with someone outside the disaster area. Some walkie-talkie units are equipped to access the radio, allowing you to tune into a local radio station for updates in the case of a widespread disaster.
Disaster Recovery
Walkie talkies are a reliable means of communication in disaster recovery. Natural disasters--including floods, wildfires, earthquakes and storms--can cut off communication by severing telephone and electric power lines. In the face of disasters caused by humans--including blackouts, power outages and wars--walkie-talkies allow people to communicate as they strive to find shelter from the disaster.
Use walkie-talkies to help organize people affected by a disaster and to settle large crowds. Station people equipped with walkie-talkies at security points and communicate real-time changes and decisions to keep people safe and to avoid further injuries or security breaches. Maintaining communication by walkie-talkie with the outside world will allow those outside the disaster area to help navigate you to safety and to avoid potential hazards along the way.
Writer Bio
Naima Manal's articles on health, diet, nutrition, alternative medicine, education, parenting, crafts, travel, home and garden and home improvement have appeared on various websites. Manal received her Bachelor of Science in biology/pre-medical studies from Molloy College in 1994 and has been a freelance writer, teacher and homeschooling mom since 1993.
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- Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
- Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
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