How to Remove Ginger Ale Stains From Upholstery
Ginger ale is a carbonated soda that leaves lighter-colored upholstery slightly discolored with a yellowish-golden hue when spilled. Drinks are commonly spilled in homes on carpets, furniture, hard flooring, countertops and tables.

Things You Will Need
- Soap-free detergent
- Soft wash cloth
- Spray bottle with warm water
- Paper towels
Even if you dry them as quickly as possible, sometimes, on fabrics like upholstered furniture, they still leave a stain if nothing is used to treat the spill immediately.
Pour a few drops of soap-free detergent onto the ginger ale stain.
Let the detergent sit for 5 to 10 minutes.
Rub the stain gently with the soft wash cloth.
Spray the area with warm water, and rub the stain again to help lift the stain and detergent.
Blot the area with paper towels until all liquid is absorbed.
Photo Credits
- Abandoned couch image by MAXFX from
- Abandoned couch image by MAXFX from
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