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Can a Mobile Home Be Rebuilt?

Tony Oldhand

Lots of factors come into play when considering whether a mobile home can be rebuilt. The number one factor is how much work you want to invest into the project, followed closely by how much money. After you do an in-depth investigation of the condition of the home, the answer may turn out to be, "

Mobile homes can be rebuilt with a little effort and money.

No, it can't be rebuilt. "

Initial Condition

Before starting on the project of rebuilding the home, the initial condition must be analyzed. If the rebuilding is just replacing the exterior, then very little problems arise. If the rebuilding process involves heavy structural work, such as replacing rotted out flooring and joists, time and money must be taken into account. It may be cheaper in the long run to just buy a new home, and scrap the old home for parts.

Mold Problems

Older mobile homes are conducive to mold growth. This is due to a variety of factors, such as insufficient venting or improper installation. Compounding the problem is that many older homes were installed with gray plastic tubing for the plumbing. This tubing, called polybutylene, was prone to leaks, causing water accumulation which leads to mold growth. Fixing mold damage is labor and time intensive, and costs must be considered.

Time and Money

While doing a survey of the home, think about the time and money factor. If you find gray plastic tubing, odds are good it has leaked, and heavy labor is involved. You have to become a home inspector, and scrutinize everything closely. Look at the condition of the insulation below the home. Animals may have torn apart the plastic sheathing below the home. A careful analysis of the time, money and effort involved must be done.

New Materials Cost

Costs of new materials fluctuate wildly, depending on the forces in the market. For example, tiles may be expensive one day, but the next week the price may drop significantly. Lumber prices fluctuate a significant amount as well. Keep an eye on materials cost, and purchase them during low price times. As a rule of thumb, building materials are cheaper in the winter time, and increase in price during the spring and summer months, due to the increased demand.

The Drip Cap

  • Lots of factors come into play when considering whether a mobile home can be rebuilt.
  • The number one factor is how much work you want to invest into the project, followed closely by how much money.
  • Before starting on the project of rebuilding the home, the initial condition must be analyzed.
  • Lumber prices fluctuate a significant amount as well.
  • Keep an eye on materials cost, and purchase them during low price times.