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How to Convert a Round Table to Square

A.W. Ellison

A square table is made from a round table for a variety of reasons. Practicality and aesthetics are just a few. A round table that was once practical in the center of a large kitchen may be unpractical in another room where it would find better usage in a corner.

Whether the round table has four legs or one stand in the middle should not matter; a square table can be made from each with just a little adjustment.


Wear goggles when sawing. Unplug the electric saw when not in use.

Modifying a Round Table

  1. Turn the round table upside down on a flat surface. Draw two straight lines on the bottom of the table diagonally from one corner leg through the other to form an X.
    Extend the line through the legs to the edge of the table.
    The spots where each line reaches the edge of the table are the corner points of the square.

  2. Draw four straight lines to connect these corner points to form the square.
    If the legs are flush with the edge of the table, they can be removed and repositioned to allow for the desired overhang.

  3. Use the saw to cut along the four straight lines that form the square.

  4. Sand the edges and finish them to match the finish on the tabletop, or finish the edges with another color for contrast.

The Drip Cap

  • A square table is made from a round table for a variety of reasons.
  • Practicality and aesthetics are just a few.
  • Draw four straight lines to connect these corner points to form the square.
    If the legs are flush with the edge of the table, they can be removed and repositioned to allow for the desired overhang.