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How to Get Rust Out of a Spark Plug Wire

Justin Mark

Your vehicle is exposed to elements of weather and the environment that can lead to rust corrosion. Rust not only affects the exterior of your vehicle, it can attack the vehicle’s engine as well.

Left unattended, not only can rust compromise the structural integrity of your vehicle, it can affect your vehicle’s performance as well. Rust that forms on a spark plug wire’s tip, for example, can cause misfiring of the spark plug and lead to poor performance of your vehicle. Rust removal products can save your spark plug wire’s tip and spare you from spark plug wire replacement or other, costly repairs.


Always use the goggles and safety gloves when working with solvents and the rust-removing gel compound.

  1. Pull the spark plug wire with the rusted tip from your vehicle’s distributor or spark plug (or both -- check both ends for rust). If two or more of the spark plug wires are rusted, work with one spark plug wire at a time before pulling out another spark plug wire. The spark plug wires are connected to the distributor in a certain order for the engine to work properly. Connecting spark plug wires to the wrong lead can cause poor engine operation.

  2. Push the spark plug wire tip out of the spark plug wire’s protective boot. Push the spark plug wire out of the boot to be able to access the rusted spark plug wire’s tip.

  3. Clean the rusted spark plug wire tip, using the wire brush. Thoroughly clean the rust on the spark plug wire’s tip, using the solvent.

  4. Clean the rusted spark plug wire tip with hot soapy water and wipe it dry using a clean rag.

  5. Apply a thick and even rust-removing gel compound onto the rusted spark plug wire tip, using a spatula. Let it set for ½ hour to two hours for the compound to penetrate into the corrosion.

  6. Vigorously rub the rust-removing gel compound on the rusted spark plug wire’s tip, using the abrasive pad.

  7. Rinse the cleaned spark plug wire’s tip with water and ensure that there is no rust-removing gel compound residue left on the spark plug wire’s tip.

  8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 if there is still some rust left on the spark plug wire’s tip.

  9. Reinsert the spark plug wire’s protective boot to cover the spark plug wire tip. Reinstall the spark plug wire to the vehicle’s engine and reconnect it to the spark plug. Move to the next spark plug wire, if necessary, following the steps accordingly.

The Drip Cap

  • Your vehicle is exposed to elements of weather and the environment that can lead to rust corrosion.
  • Left unattended, not only can rust compromise the structural integrity of your vehicle, it can affect your vehicle’s performance as well.
  • Pull the spark plug wire with the rusted tip from your vehicle’s distributor or spark plug (or both -- check both ends for rust).
  • Push the spark plug wire out of the boot to be able to access the rusted spark plug wire’s tip.
  • Thoroughly clean the rust on the spark plug wire’s tip, using the solvent.