Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Side Effects
The search for an easy way to do away with pests like rodents, insects and marauding deer and wandering cats and dogs can be ongoing. The ultrasonic repeller has several inconvenient side effects in addition to its questionable effectiveness.

While many pests and animals can adapt to the frequency emitted by sonic repellers, this is not true with ultrasonic repellers. Ultrasonic repellers are a constant irritation to pests because the high-pitched noise affects their central nervous systems and causes them physical discomfort. Though not harmful, it does make it unpleasant enough to leave the treated areas.
Some humans with good high-frequency hearing "hear" the emissions as an annoying high-pitched or clicking constant "background" sound. Generally the emissions are silent to most humans.
Ultrasonic repellers designed to drive pests crazy may also annoy family dogs, cats and hamsters; most devices recommend placement away from pets.
Safe Houses
Ultrasonic sounds can't travel around furniture or structures or through drapes, establishing safe zones where pests can congregate. Try to target pests in specific areas such as attics, pantries, kitchens, basements or sheds, ensuring that most of the area is covered.
Writer Bio
An avid perennial gardener and old house owner, Laura Reynolds has had careers in teaching and juvenile justice. A retired municipal judgem Reynolds holds a degree in communications from Northern Illinois University. Her six children and stepchildren served as subjects of editorials during her tenure as a local newspaper editor.
Photo Credits
- Attack Wave, pestproducts.com
- Attack Wave, pestproducts.com
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