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How to Remove Hair Oil From Upholstery

Mel Frank

Furnishing a home can be expensive, making it important to care for and maintain furniture for as long as possible. This may eliminate the need to purchase new furniture every few years, since you will be cleaning and removing stains as they develop.

Several furniture-cleaning products are available, but when it comes to removing hair oil from upholstery, a simple homemade solution can get the job done. By using a handful of common household ingredients, you can quickly remove hair-oil stains before they permanently set in.

  1. Pour 1/2 cup of warm water into a bowl, followed by 1 tbsp. of ammonia. This may dissolve the oil stain and restore your furniture back to its original condition.

  2. Add 1 tsp. of laundry detergent or dish detergent to the bowl, which will cut through grease and help in removing the hair-oil stain.

  3. Agitate the dish slightly to combine ingredients.

  4. Dip the edge of a cleaning cloth into the solution, and wring out excess water. The goal is to use as little water as possible to prevent oversaturation, which can lead to mildew development.

  5. Rub the damp cloth over the hair-oil stains, and repeat until all oil has been removed.

  6. Let the area air-dry, or use a hair dryer on low heat to dry it more quickly.

The Drip Cap

  • Furnishing a home can be expensive, making it important to care for and maintain furniture for as long as possible.
  • Several furniture-cleaning products are available, but when it comes to removing hair oil from upholstery, a simple homemade solution can get the job done.
  • Dip the edge of a cleaning cloth into the solution, and wring out excess water.