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How to Iron a U.S. Navy Summer White Uniform

How to Iron a U.S. Navy Summer White Uniform. The United States Navy has uniforms for the summer and winter periods. The wear of these is dependent on the weather cycles. The summer uniforms are normally prescribed for wear from April through October of each calendar year.

The summer whites come in two types and are equally easy to maintain.


Ensure setting is on a hot setting to allow a crisper look.

  1. Wash the uniform inside out in cold water with bleach. Both the cotton and the cotton and twill (CNT) summer white uniforms can be washed in this manner. Ensure you dry the uniform using a permanent cycle with low heat. This will maintain the integrity of the fabric.

  2. Make a vertical crease on each trouser leg. The length of the crease should be from cuff to belt loop. Additionally, it should be a front and back side of trouser leg. For each set of trousers (cotton and CNT), the process is the same.

  3. Apply starch. Use a heavy starch to the trousers legs once a crease has been pressed in with the iron. The will increase the crispness of the creases in the trousers.

  4. Hang the summer white trousers via a plastic clip hanger. Hang the clipped trousers with the cuffs in the clips. Cover in plastic when completed.

  5. Iron the summer white shirt by placing it regular side out. Iron the sleeves normally while using the same setting as the trousers. When making creases in the front of the shirt, unbutton each pocket then make a crease vertically from shoulder to the bottom of the shirt.

  6. Place three creases centered on the rear of the shirt. The left and right creases will line up on the back of the shirt with creases that were made on the front of the shirt. The center crease is formed by folding the collar and the vertical crease will be made as this center point is being used.

  7. Place the shirt on a wooden hanger ensuring all buttons are buttoned up. Place a plastic covering over both trousers and shirt to keep the uniform free of dust and debris.

The Drip Cap

  • How to Iron a U.S.
  • Navy Summer White Uniform.
  • The wear of these is dependent on the weather cycles.
  • Both the cotton and the cotton and twill (CNT) summer white uniforms can be washed in this manner.
  • The length of the crease should be from cuff to belt loop.
  • Place three creases centered on the rear of the shirt.
  • Place the shirt on a wooden hanger ensuring all buttons are buttoned up.