How to Mix Small Batches of Flexbond Thin Set
Thinset is a necessity when installing certain types of tile or repairing concrete. It provides strength and support for installed tile and cleverly disguises cracks and chips in concrete. Flexbond thinset is sold in 50-lb. bags, and mixing it all at once may lead to waste of product and money.

Preparing littler amounts will get small jobs done with fewer material expenses. You can mix smaller batches and keep it in a workable consistency. Bringing thinset mortar mixes down to a reasonable size makes them controllable by nearly anyone.
Things You Will Need
- Flexbond thinset
- Drill with mixing bar
Do not add more water once your thinset batch has slaked and the additives have been activated.
Wear safety glasses and gloves when working with thinset. Mortar is caustic to the skin.
Add 2 inches of cold water to a 5-gallon bucket.
Pour about 15 to 20 pounds of thinset powder into the bucket.
Mix the thinset and water using a drill with a mixing bar attachment. Mix at a medium speed so you do not add too much air.
Gradually add more water until the consistency is like gravy.
Let your thinset rest for 10 minutes once it is completely mixed. It will become noticeably thicker.
Stop and remix your Flexbond thinset whenever it begins to harden as you use it.
The Drip Cap
- Thinset is a necessity when installing certain types of tile or repairing concrete.
- You can mix smaller batches and keep it in a workable consistency.
- Bringing thinset mortar mixes down to a reasonable size makes them controllable by nearly anyone.
- Add 2 inches of cold water to a 5-gallon bucket.
Photo Credits
- Zedcor Wholly Owned/ Images
- Zedcor Wholly Owned/ Images
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