How to Remove Mold From Foam
Mold is capable of cultivating on virtually any surface. Foam is a very porous type of material so, consequently, removing mold from it can create a difficult task.

Although many people will typically discard foam items on which mold has taken root, they are not beyond salvaging and being restored to a like-new quality. Whenever dealing with mold removal, always wear proper safety clothing.
Things You Will Need
- N-97 respirator
- Rubber gloves
- Safety goggles without vent holes
- Long sleeve shirt
- Long pants
- Para formaldehyde powder
- Bed sheet
- Plastic bag
- Shop vacuum
- Bleach
- Spray bottles
Put on all protective clothing before handling the Para formaldehyde powder. Dispense the Para formaldehyde powder into an old bed sheet. Enclose the powder in the middle of the old sheet and wrap it into a bundle.
Press down firmly on the foam and roll it up with the bundled old sheet. Put the foam and the old sheet into a large plastic bag. A 13-gallon trash bag will work well, but a smaller or larger bag can be utilized depending on the size of your foam and sheet. Shut the bag, but at the opening be sure to leave a “neck.”
Condense the foam to be as small as possible. Accomplish this by placing the hose from your shop vacuum into the bag at the “neck” and sucking the extra air out of the bag. Do away with the hose and close up the “neck” as tight as possible.
Leave the bag undisturbed for a few days for the powder to destroy the mold growth and odor. Take out the bed sheet from the bag. Make use of the shop vacuum to get rid of the Para formaldehyde gas from the foam. This will require several passes over the foam with the shop vacuum for maximum effectiveness. Take out the foam from the bag and unbundle it.
Mix a gallon of water and 1/2 cup of household bleach. Place the concoction into a squirt bottle and spray the foam with the mixture. Place the foam in a sunny area and allow it to sit so that it can dry.
The Drip Cap
- Mold is capable of cultivating on virtually any surface.
- Accomplish this by placing the hose from your shop vacuum into the bag at the “neck” and sucking the extra air out of the bag.
- Make use of the shop vacuum to get rid of the Para formaldehyde gas from the foam.
- Take out the foam from the bag and unbundle it.
Photo Credits
- blue foam image by Dave from
- blue foam image by Dave from
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