How to Remove a Water Saver From a Kitchen Faucet
A water saver feature on a kitchen faucet restricts the flow of water being conveyed by the faucet. This allows the faucet to be used normally and save water. In some low pressure areas the feature may not provide enough water flow to sufficiently complete kitchen tasks. Fortunately the makers of plumbing fixtures have made water savers on kitchen faucets easy to remove. You can remove the water saver feature on your faucet with a minimal amount of effort.

Step 1
Locate the aerator at the end of the spout. Most manufacturers include the flow restriction device as part of the aerator.
Step 2
Place several layers of painter's tape around the aerator to protect the finish from the pliers.
Step 3
Grasp the aerator base firmly with a pair of slip-joint pliers and turn it counterclockwise. Loosen the aerator enough that you can remove it completely by hand.
Step 4
Lay out the pieces of the aerator on the counter and locate the water restriction device, which is a small round plastic piece with one or more holes in it. Remove the device, reassemble the aerator parts and reinstall them on the end of the faucet. Remove the painter's tape.
Writer Bio
Damon Koch has years of writing experience ranging from software manuals to song lyrics. His writing has appeared in software manuals for Human Arc and on the CDs "Small Craft Advisory" and "Impersonating Jesus." He also has worked in building maintenance since 2004. He has attended Lorain County Community College as well as Cleveland State University.
Photo Credits
- Tay Jnr/Digital Vision/Getty Images
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