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How to Recycle Concrete Blocks

Elton Dunn

When you've finished your home renovation project, disposing of the resulting debris can be challenging. Recycling materials whenever possible keeps waste out of landfills and takes no more effort than disposing of the waste.

Concrete blocks can be recycled for new building projects.

Old concrete blocks, which include cinder blocks and pavers, can be crushed, and the material can be used for filler in Portland cement. Homeowners with concrete blocks have a couple of different recycling options to choose from. Select the options that work best for you.

  1. Sort your concrete blocks into two categories: those that can be reused and those that cannot. Concrete blocks that are chipped or broken should not be reused for building, but they can still be recycled.

  2. Locate green contractors near you through the Green Contractor Guide (see Resources). Call matching local contractors to see if they need cinder or concrete blocks for building projects. If someone wants the blocks, arrange to have them removed. In this way, you don't have to transport the blocks in your car for recycling, and you save resources because the blocks can be reused in their current state without being processed.

  3. Find recycling centers near you that accept concrete blocks by going to Earth 911 (see Resources). Enter your city or zip code in the location blocks and type "Concrete" in the search bar. Then call matching recycling centers to find out when they are open. Load the concrete blocks into your car or truck and drive them to the recycling center. Dispose of all broken or subpar blocks in this manner, along with concrete blocks you can't give to a contractor.

  4. Tip

    Take care when lifting concrete blocks, as they can be heavy. You can also reuse concrete blocks around your home, for garden edging or other projects.

The Drip Cap

  • When you've finished your home renovation project, disposing of the resulting debris can be challenging.
  • Call matching local contractors to see if they need cinder or concrete blocks for building projects.
  • Find recycling centers near you that accept concrete blocks by going to Earth 911 (see Resources).
  • Dispose of all broken or subpar blocks in this manner, along with concrete blocks you can't give to a contractor.