How to Rehang My Wallpaper
Wallpaper makes for a durable, long-lasting wall covering because once attached properly, it typically requires a brute force approach to remove. There are times, however, when wallpaper may become detached, typically at a seam or an edge. When this occurs you must immediately rehang the wallpaper to prevent the loose piece from becoming an entire fallen sheet, or from tearing. Rehanging your wallpaper is a short process that can be completed with a few easily found materials and tools. When completed the piece of newly hung wallpaper should be indistinguishable from the rest of the wallpaper in your room.

Wet the sponge until it's slightly damp and apply to the wallpaper piece that has pulled away from the wall. The damp sponge softens existing adhesive on the wallpaper, making the paper more pliable.
Lift the piece of detached wallpaper slightly from the wall. Be careful not to create a fold in the lifted paper, or tear the edge. Any tears created can quickly spread across the width of the wallpaper.
Take the adhesive and apply it to the side of the wallpaper that faces the wall using the paintbrush. Coat the surface of the wallpaper completely, applying a light layer of the adhesive.
Press the wallpaper against the wall to glue it in place. Allow the adhesive 15 minutes drying time.
Go over the newly glued wallpaper with a wallpaper roller. Apply moderately firm pressure to roll out any air or wrinkles in the rehung wallpaper.
Remove any excess adhesive using the damp sponge.
- Do not over-apply the adhesive. If the wallpaper wets through entirely, the paper will curl and not bind to the surface of the wall.
Writer Bio
Larry Simmons is a freelance writer and expert in the fusion of computer technology and business. He has a B.S. in economics, an M.S. in information systems, an M.S. in communications technology, as well as significant work towards an M.B.A. in finance. He's published several hundred articles with Demand Studios.
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