How to Glue Carpet to a Wall
If looking at bare cement or concrete walls is giving you the stone-cold blues, try a softer side of home structure by carpeting the walls. Not just for the floor anymore, carpet is an ideal way to add color and texture without investing in expensive paints or construction. There's no old carpet to rip up and replace, and you'll still be able to hang memorabilia and lights right from the wall. Glue a rug to the wall to take your home on a magic carpet ride.

Remove all wall hangings, lighting fixtures, nails and anchors in the wall. Since you're covering the wall with carpet, there's no need to spackle in the holes.
Move all furniture within 5 feet of the wall to the other side of the room or out of the room.
Measure the wall with a measuring tape.
Unroll the carpet (you'll need a piece of large, clear floor space) with the rug side face down. Mark the wall measurements with chalk on the carpet, adding an extra 4 to 6 inches all around.
Trim the carpet around the chalk lines with a box cutter.
Position a ladder to reach the top left corner of the room.
Apply carpet adhesive to the entire back of the carpet with a trowel. Immediately climb the ladder and have a helper hand you the top left corner of the carpet, holding the weight of the rest of the roll.
Press the carpet firmly into the corner of where the wall meets another wall and the ceiling, where the carpet starting point should be. Have the helper slowly roll the carpet down the wall from under the ladder as you press it to adhere. Move the ladder as required so the wall is entirely covered by the carpet.
Smooth a carpet roller over the entire wall to iron out any lumps or bubbles, and give the carpet one final press to make it stick to the wall.
- Extremely large or long walls may require multiple pieces of carpet. Unroll one large piece and use a box cutter to cut it into manageable strips. Align the strips next to each other on the wall and hang paintings or other wall decorations to cover the seams.
- Due to the large size and height of a wall and heaviness of a piece of carpet, at least two people are needed to complete this job, with one holding the roll and the other on a ladder, attaching the roll to the wall.
Writer Bio
Fionia LeChat is a technical writer whose major skill sets include the MS Office Suite (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Publisher), Photoshop, Paint, desktop publishing, design and graphics. LeChat has a Master of Science in technical writing, a Master of Arts in public relations and communications and a Bachelor of Arts in writing/English.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images
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