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Everyday Uses for Plate Racks

Diana Wittenberg

Have you seen those plate racks and wondered if there were other uses for them? Plate racks can be used in every room in your home, not just the kitchen. They can even hold office supplies, towels and pictures. Once you have purchased one plate rack and seen how versatile it is, you will want to purchase more.

Holding a Picture Frame

A plate rack can be used for other things than holding a plate.

Single plate racks are just the right size to hold picture frames. Purchase any plate rack and picture frame from any craft store. Place your child's artwork in the picture frame. Purchase different size frames so you will have a frame for any size artwork your child produces. These can be displayed on a coffee table in the family room or hung from the wall.

Holding Notebooks and Files

Multiple plate racks are even more versatile than a single plate rack. Place a multiple plate rack on a wall next to your desk to hold folders or notebooks for quick and easy access. Purchase several multiple plate racks for a miniature file cabinet. These work for hanging behind doors so your workspace clutter is hidden.

Holding Towels

Plate racks work as towel holders in a small bathroom. Hang a single or multiple plate rack behind a door or inside a cabinet door and place rolled towels on each rack or hang towels from the rack. This works in a small space that lacks room for a regular towel rack.

Storing Lids

Plate racks can be used to store any lids for plastic storage containers. Place the plate rack inside a cabinet where the lids are out of sight, but still easily accessible. If you want to hang the plate rack behind a cabinet door, glue a small piece of cork to its bottom so the plate rack has a slight angle to it. This way, the lids stay in place.