How to Repair a Chip in a Cultured Marble Vanity Top
A chip in a cultured marble vanity top can be annoying, considering the money spent on the vanity. However, it is possible to repair the vanity top with some patience and a day’s time. The finished project will be less likely to incur further chips, as the polymer resin dries to a hard, shiny finish.

Things You Will Need
- Superglue
- Medium-grit sandpaper
- Sponge
- Primer
- Spray stone finish
- Polymer resin
- Small paint roller
- Painter’s tape
- Disposable cups
- Small paint spreader
Wipe the vanity top with a dampened sponge to thoroughly clean it.
As a first option, fill the chip in with super glue and allow it to dry. Please keep in mind that this will not hide the chip; only fill it in. However, it will keep the chip from getting larger. If you prefer a better method that will allow the chip to be invisible, continue with the following steps.
Sand the vanity top with medium-grit sandpaper. Sand down into the chipped area, but do not sand it down level. Wipe the vanity top with a dampened sponge to remove the dust.
Tape along the edges of the vanity top with painter’s tape to protect adjacent surfaces. Tape around the inside of the sink as well.
Apply a coat of primer to the vanity top according to the manufacturer’s directions. Use the small paint roller to ensure that the entire vanity is covered. Allow the primer to dry before continuing.
Spray a thorough coat of stone finish evenly on the vanity top. Be sure to fill in the chipped area with the stone finish. Follow the manufacturer’s directions for the drying time, as it can vary according to different manufacturers.
Pour some polymer resin into a disposable cup and then pour it on the vanity top, beginning with the backsplash first. Use the paint spreader to push the polymer resin back and catch drips. Cover the entire vanity top in this manner with a generous layer of polymer resin. Follow the manufacturer’s directions for the drying time for the polymer resin.
Use a dampened sponge to wipe the counter for a high-polish, chip-free shine.
Writer Bio
Marsanne Petty has been a writer and photographer for over ten years, and is currently pursuing the combination in tandem. She attended Madison Community College, receiving a degree in Administration. She has published several articles for magazines, including Jack Magazine, and the local newspaper, the Jasper News. Her latest creation, a pictoral history of Hamilton County, Florida, was published in early 2009 through Arcadia Publishing.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/ Images
- Jupiterimages/ Images
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