How to Raise the Height of My Dining Room Table
Do you love everything about your dining room table except its height or can't afford to buy a new one? Raising the height of your dining room table is simple to do and will only cost a fraction of the price of a new table.

Furniture risers are ideal because they work not only for beds (most are sold as bed risers) but will work with dining room tables as well by raising the height 3 to 5 inches. You can purchase furniture risers on the Internet or at your local bed and bath store or hardware store. Furniture risers come in a variety of styles and finishes, from painted to wood tones, so you are bound to find a color and style that will complement your dining room table.
Things You Will Need
- Set of furniture risers
- Measuring tape (optional)
- Assistant
Move the chairs away from the table and open your package of four furniture risers.
Lift one end of the dining room table while your assistant places one furniture riser beneath each leg. Carefully lower that end until the two legs are balanced on the furniture risers.
Carefully lift the other end of the dining room table, place the remaining furniture risers beneath each leg and lower the table. Make sure each leg is centered on each furniture riser before putting the chairs back in place.
If your dining room table rests on a dark carpet, you might choose a dark-colored set of furniture risers that will blend in with the carpet. Conversely, if you have a light carpet, choose a light-colored furniture riser.
The Drip Cap
- Do you love everything about your dining room table except its height or can't afford to buy a new one? You can purchase furniture risers on the Internet or at your local bed and bath store or hardware store.
- Carefully lift the other end of the dining room table, place the remaining furniture risers beneath each leg and lower the table.
Writer Bio
Tonya Goodspeed has written professionally since 2003 and specializes in articles on travel, weddings, invitations and home and garden topics. She also ghostwrites Web and blog content. She earned an English degree with a minor in French from the University of Virginia.
Photo Credits
- Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty Images
- Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty Images
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