How to Use a Static Duster
Do you feel like you're just moving dust particles from one place to the next every time you pull out the feather duster or cloth? A static duster can solve your problem. Static dusters differ from a traditional dustcloth and furniture polish for two reasons.

Polish introduces more chemicals into your home, but without it, dust just scatters. Static dusters draw dust to them -- almost like magnets.
Things You Will Need
- Static duster
- Plastic grocery bag
Using Your Static Duster
Unpack your new static duster. If you're using one that you already have, take it outdoors and shake it vigorously to remove previously accumulated dust.
Prepare the duster for use by rolling the handle back and forth between your hands. The twisting motion fluff the fibers and prepares them to attract more dust.
Cup the plastic bag in one hand. Hold the handle of the static duster in the other hand. Place the duster in the cupped plastic bag and close it so that the plastic bag wraps loosely around the duster.
Rub the static duster with the plastic bag, twisting it around the duster to rub all areas. Repeat this step several times to create the static charge. When charged, the duster will look fuller, and the fibers will be fluffy.
Set aside the plastic bag and begin dusting.
Clean the duster by holding it away from you and shaking it vigorously outside or over a trash can. Shake it upside down for best results.

Instead of a plastic bag, static dusters can be charged by twisting it and fluffing it with your hands. Rubbing the static duster across any surface should charge it, but you may find it helpful to rub it across a TV screen to help activate it. Always dust from top to bottom. If any dust escapes the static duster, the duster will grab it at the lower level. When the static charge seems to be dwindling, you need to clean the duster. The shaking gets rid of the accumulated dust, but also gets rid of the charge. Simply recharge and start dusting again. When the static duster needs a heavy cleaning, wash with warm, soapy water and rinse well; then hang it to dry. Static dusters are available in many sizes. Some have extending poles to help reach objects like ceiling fans. Clean houseplants by swirling the static duster, top to bottom, through the leaves.
Don't use a charged static duster on sensitive electronic devices like computers. Shock to the user or damage to the electronic device might occur.
Do not use the static duster in water.
Avoid using the static duster near oil or fire.
The Drip Cap
- Do you feel like you're just moving dust particles from one place to the next every time you pull out the feather duster or cloth? Static dusters draw dust to them -- almost like magnets.
- Cup the plastic bag in one hand.
- Clean the duster by holding it away from you and shaking it vigorously outside or over a trash can.
Writer Bio
Ronna Pennington, an experienced newspaper writer and editor, began writing full-time in 1989. Her professional crafting experience includes machine embroidery and applique. When she's not repainting her den or making new holiday decorations, Ronna researches and writes community histories. She has a Bachelor of Arts in journalism and an Master of liberal arts in history.
Photo Credits
- William Hilary/Demand Media
- William Hilary/Demand Media
- William Hilary/Demand Media
- William Hilary/Demand Media
- William Hilary/Demand Media
- William Hilary/Demand Media
- William Hilary/Demand Media
- William Hilary/Demand Media
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