How to Take a Smell Off of Your Hands
Strong odors from cooking, smoking or diaper-changing can linger on your hands, even after you've thoroughly washed them. While these offensive smells eventually wear off, you don't necessarily want to endure stinky hands. Repeated washing with soap can mitigate the smell but may not remove it entirely.

Things You Will Need
- Coffee grounds
- Bowl
- White vinegar
- 2 tsp. baking soda
- Clean towels
Natural supplies found around the home are effective at getting rid of the olfactory evidence that you've been slicing fresh onions.
Pour coffee grounds into the palm of one dry hand. Place your palms together and rub the dry coffee grounds all over your hands, including between the fingers. Coffee grounds help remove stinky odors from your hands.
Brush the coffee grounds off your hands. Pour undiluted white vinegar into a bowl large enough to soak your hands in. Soak your hands in the undiluted vinegar for a few minutes to remove odors.
Rinse your hands with plain, warm water. Place 2 tsp. baking soda into the palm of your hands and rub your hands together the way you would when washing with soap. Rub the baking soda all over the palms, tops and between your fingers.
Hold your hands under warm water to wash away the baking soda. Pat your skin dry with a clean towel.

Wear rubber kitchen gloves when handling smelly foods like onions and garlic. Rub lemon slices can also be used to remove offensive odors, if you have some handy. Rub them against the skin. Wash your hands with toothpaste, instead of soap, if the steps provided fail to remove the odor.
- Wear rubber kitchen gloves when handling smelly foods like onions and garlic.
- Rub lemon slices can also be used to remove offensive odors, if you have some handy. Rub them against the skin.
- Wash your hands with toothpaste, instead of soap, if the steps provided fail to remove the odor.
Writer Bio
Mary Ylisela is a former teacher with a Bachelor of Arts in elementary education and mathematics. She has been a writer since 1996, specializing in business, fitness and education. Prior to teaching, Ylisela worked as a certified fitness instructor and a small-business owner.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images
- making fresh ground coffee image by scalesy from
- a pile of folded plush towels in a bathroom image by nextrecord from
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