How to Paint a Refrigerator Door Handle
Improve the appearance of a refrigerator door handle by refinishing it with the proper paint. Before beginning the application process, take into account that refrigerator door handles consisting of metal or vinyl are poorly suited for paint adhesion.

Things You Will Need
- Water-based soap
- Coarse sponge
- Rags
- Towels
- 180-grit sandpaper
- Masking paper
- Professional painter's tape
- Latex spray primer
- Galvanized metal etching spray primer
- Acrylic spray enamel
Condition the handle, using specific techniques based on its composition, or shedding will eventually ensue. Finish the handle with a paint formulated with the ability to remain durable against consistent duress.
Use a sponge to scrub the refrigerator door handle with a water-based soap. Rinse the door handle with wet rags and dry it with towels.
Abrade vinyl refrigerator door handles to promote adhesion. Sand the door handles until they feel rough. Work meticulously, as primer will not stick to unabraded vinyl.
Protect the refrigerator surface by covering it with masking paper using painter's tape.
Coat the refrigerator door handle with latex spray primer. Use metal etching spray primer on metal door handles. Maintain 8 inches between the handle and spray nozzle as you apply. Allow the handle to dry for three hours.
Coat the refrigerator door handle with acrylic spray enamel. Maintain 8 inches between the handle and spray nozzle as you apply. Allow the handle to dry for three hours.
Maintain 8 inches between the refrigerator door handle and spray nozzle, or sagging may occur.
Do not paint unprimed refrigerator door handles, or peeling will occur.
If you prime unsanded vinyl refrigerator door handles, the finish will flake.
- Maintain 8 inches between the refrigerator door handle and spray nozzle, or sagging may occur.
- Do not paint unprimed refrigerator door handles, or peeling will occur.
- If you prime unsanded vinyl refrigerator door handles, the finish will flake.
Writer Bio
Ryan Lawrence is a freelance writer based in Boulder, Colorado. He has been writing professionally since 1999. He has 10 years of experience as a professional painting contractor. Lawrence writes for High Class Blogs and Yodle. He has a bachelor's degree in journalism and public relations with a minor in history from the University of Oklahoma.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/ Images
- Jupiterimages/ Images
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