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How to Remove Rust From Nickel Plated Steel

Rust is a common problem for carbon steel. It is the result of an electrochemical process in which the metal and moisture come into contact and form what we call rust. Nickel plated steel has a layer of nickel over steel.

The layer of nickel cuts down on corrosion, but if the nickel is very thin it wears off, leaving the underlying steel prone to rust.

  1. Scrub off the rust with a steel wool pad or a kitchen scrubbing pad. Surface rust comes off easily.

  2. Make a paste of two parts table salt and one part lime juice in a bowl. Apply the paste to the steel with a paper towel.

  3. Leave the paste on the rust for two to three hours “Non Toxic House Cleaning" an article suggested by Earth Easy in eartheasy.com.

  4. Dampen a paper towel and wipe away the paste and the rust. Dry the area with a paper towel.

The Drip Cap

  • Rust is a common problem for carbon steel.
  • The layer of nickel cuts down on corrosion, but if the nickel is very thin it wears off, leaving the underlying steel prone to rust.
  • Apply the paste to the steel with a paper towel.