How to Measure an L-Shaped Desk
When you're setting up your home office, one thing that you want to do is to maximize the space you have available by using a layout that makes the most efficient use of the space you have. Using furniture and equipment that fits in your space can help with this.

For instance, using an L-shaped desk in a corner allows you to utilize space that might otherwise go unused, while doubling your desk capacity. Before purchasing a desk, you must determine how much available space you have.
If there's a window in the corner, you can't have a desk with shelving on top on that side because the window will be blocked. Don't block vents on the walls with the desk because it can inhibit air flow, which can raise your energy costs while making the work area uncomfortable. When sketching out the layout of the room, experiment with different layouts to see what could work the best for you. This is a much easier way to determine the best configuration of the room than moving all the furniture around.
Determining Space Available
Examine the corner where you want to install the desk. Look for nearby electrical outlets or phone jacks. Having them on the wall behind the desk can mean that you won't have access to them without moving the desk.
Sketch out a layout for the room. This plays a factor in determining how big the desk can be. For instance, if you have to install other furniture, like a bookcase, on the same wall as the L-shaped desk, or there's an immovable object like a radiator, you can't install a desk that's larger than that space.
Measure the space available for the L-shaped desk by measuring the distance between the corner where the desk is being installed and items like windows, wall vents, or objects that cannot be moved, like radiators or large pieces of furniture.
Measuring the Desk
Divide the L-shaped desk into two rectangles. Measure the length of the larger rectangle with a tape measure. Measure the smaller rectangle length, which runs from the opposite end to center. Record both lengths.
Measure the width of the desk (sometimes called the depth).
Multipy the width by the longer length for one area. Multiply the shorter length by the width for the other area. Add the two for the total surface area of the L-shaped desk.
Measure the height of the desk. Hang the tape measure off the edge of the desk and let it go straight to the ground. If the unit has shelving or cabinets on top of the desk, measure their height, and add the height of the shelving to the height of the desk to get the height of the complete unit.
The Drip Cap
- When you're setting up your home office, one thing that you want to do is to maximize the space you have available by using a layout that makes the most efficient use of the space you have.
- Look for nearby electrical outlets or phone jacks.
- Measure the space available for the L-shaped desk by measuring the distance between the corner where the desk is being installed and items like windows, wall vents, or objects that cannot be moved, like radiators or large pieces of furniture.
- Multipy the width by the longer length for one area.
- Measure the height of the desk.
Writer Bio
Carson Barrett began writing professionally in 2009. He has been published on various websites. Barrett is currently attending Bucks County Community College, pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in sports management.
Photo Credits
- Thomas Northcut/Digital Vision/Getty Images
- Thomas Northcut/Digital Vision/Getty Images
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