How to Remove the Blades From a Briggs Mower
The blade on a Briggs & Stratton lawn mower will need sharpening or replacement as it wears down from use. To sharpen a lawn mower blade, it must be removed from the lawn mower first.

Briggs & Sratton lawn mowers vary in dimensions and design, but the removal of the lawn mower blade for each model requires following the same procedures.
Disconnect the sparkplug wire. Tip the lawn mower onto its side so you are facing the blade.
Place a block of wood against the blade to keep it from rotating. Remove the bolt in the middle of the blade with the socket wrench by turning it counterclockwise.
Pull the blade straight out from the mower to remove it.
Things You Will Need
- Socket wrench
- Block of wood
Wear thick gloves when removing a lawn mower blade to protect your hands from injury.
Writer Bio
David Clair began writing for websites in 2001, creating online marketing content for business owners. He has written for Internet companies including eBay and creates training materials for an online education company. Clair is studying technical writing and pursuing an Associate of Arts in information technology from the University of Phoenix.
Photo Credits
- gloves image by dinostock from
- gloves image by dinostock from
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