Cool New Ways to Hang Your Shower Curtain
Although it may seem like a small and nondescript item, a shower curtain can dramatically affect the atmosphere of your bathroom.

Although some bathtubs and showers, such as clawfoot tubs and corner showers, require unique curtain-hanging techniques, a traditional shower/tub arrangement can also receive a face lift with curved shower curtain rods, alternative curtain attachment methods (such as snaps or velcro) or invisible curtain rods.
Unusual Shower Curtain Rods
The standard straight shower curtain rod isn't the only way to hang your shower curtain. Consider using a curved shower curtain rod, which also provides more arm room, for a standard shower or an oval-shaped rod for a freestanding bathtub. There are also L-shaped corner rods available that are ideal for smaller showers. A ceiling shower rod extends all the way to the ceiling and provides a look that is similar to a full glass shower exterior. You might also consider using alternative shower rod materials, such as bamboo, bronze and chrome, to accentuate the atmosphere of your bathroom design.
Velcro, Snaps and Buttons
Instead of using a shower curtain rod to hang your shower curtain, consider alternative hanging methods. For example, you might mount a piece of wooden trim to the ceiling outside your shower, in the same place that a shower curtain would usually go. Then you can staple or glue snap backs, velcro or buttons to the trim, as well as the top of the shower curtain, so they can be attached.
Rod Alternatives
If attaching velcro, snaps or buttons to your ceiling and shower curtain seems like an inconvenient idea but you really don't like the idea of a shower curtain, you could also consider alternative "rod" solutions. For example, the hidden shower curtain rod in Andrew Wormers "New Bathroom Idea Book" uses a standard rod hidden in a recessed shower entrance frame. Again, this idea requires a lot of work and is ideal for those who are renovating or building a new bathroom. A retractable shower rod extends during baths or showers and then retracts when not in use, which minimizes shower rod appearance. Alternatively, you could use twine, heavy string or a clothesline to hang your curtain. If you use these materials, be sure to choose a lightweight curtain to avoid collapse.
The Drip Cap
- Although it may seem like a small and nondescript item, a shower curtain can dramatically affect the atmosphere of your bathroom.
- A ceiling shower rod extends all the way to the ceiling and provides a look that is similar to a full glass shower exterior.
- You might also consider using alternative shower rod materials, such as bamboo, bronze and chrome, to accentuate the atmosphere of your bathroom design.
- If attaching velcro, snaps or buttons to your ceiling and shower curtain seems like an inconvenient idea but you really don't like the idea of a shower curtain, you could also consider alternative "rod" solutions.
Writer Bio
Nicole Crawford is a NASM-certified personal trainer, doula and pre/post-natal fitness specialist. She is studying to be a nutrition coach and RYT 200 yoga teacher. Nicole contributes regularly at Breaking Muscle and has also written for "Paleo Magazine," The Bump and Fit Bottomed Mamas.
Photo Credits
- bead curtain image by Bruce Hewitson from
- bead curtain image by Bruce Hewitson from
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