How to Fix Walk-Through Bedrooms
Any home that has walk-through bedrooms forces the homeowner to walk through one bedroom in order to access the other.

While this type of setup provides versatility for those who desire nearby space for a dressing room, walk-in closet, office or lounge, it presents a design challenge for those who need the space as a child's room or guest room. No matter your budget, you'll find a solution that will work for you -- whether it's a permanent structure dividing the spaces or a temporary one that can be moved aside to open the space as needed.
Permanent Solutions
Frame in a traditional wall -- with a new doorway -- to completely seal off the walk-through bedroom into its own private space. Relocate the furthest bedroom's door to accommodate the new hallway.
Construct a wall of glass. If the windows to the walk-through bedroom are on the other side of the new dividing wall, let in light by constructing a wall of frosted glass panels or glass blocks, which come in a variety of privacy-enhancing finishes. Add a frosted glass door to finish off the new wall. Alternatively, frame in a three-quarter height wall for privacy, and finish the top quarter with glass blocks, transom windows or plate glass to allow in light.
Install pocket doors to keep the space as open as possible during the day. Frame in a wall, allowing ample space for a large double pocket door entryway. Slide the doors apart during the day to allow in natural light; close them up at night for total privacy. Alternatively, install rustic barn doors on a track for the same effect.

Adjustable Solutions
Arrange bookshelves to create a temporary hallway around the walk-through bedroom. Pair up as many bookshelves as you like, shelves facing inward so your guests have some storage. Space the bookshelves far enough apart to accommodate a tension curtain rod, on which you hang drapes long enough to hit the floor. The curtains provide privacy as well as entry into the guest room area.
Install a curtain cable or ceiling track around the space, leaving a walkway from the farthest bedroom to the walk-through bedroom's doorway. For the most amount of privacy, hang heavyweight draperies to muffle sound and block light. Push back the curtains during the day to open up the space.
Invest in professional office divider panels to separate the walk-through room from its neighbor. These tend to be expensive, but come in a variety of colors and configurations to fit any space. The panels can either be used as freestanding and moveable structures, or anchor to the wall for safety and semi-permanence. Alternately, install accordion-style room dividers that push back against the wall when not in use, but stretch across the space when needed. Such dividers are commonly used in church halls, large banquet facilities and even funeral homes to break up or unite spaces.
Build your own privacy screens. If you are handy, you can build such screens to your own specifications -- as tall and wide as you need them. Simply hinge together as many panels as needed, each angled in the opposite direction from the one prior. Alternately, pick up some used or antique wooden doors at a salvage yard or antique shop and hinge them together to create a rustic privacy screen.
String up flat sheets in a pinch. If last-minute guests have you struggling to create a private place for them to sleep, section off an area of the room just for the guests, and tack up a clothesline or heavy-duty string or rope. Hang flat bed sheets over the clothesline, fastening them with clothespins.
The Drip Cap
- Any home that has walk-through bedrooms forces the homeowner to walk through one bedroom in order to access the other.
- Frame in a traditional wall -- with a new doorway -- to completely seal off the walk-through bedroom into its own private space.
- Alternately, install accordion-style room dividers that push back against the wall when not in use, but stretch across the space when needed.
- Such dividers are commonly used in church halls, large banquet facilities and even funeral homes to break up or unite spaces.
- Build your own privacy screens.
- String up flat sheets in a pinch.
- If last-minute guests have you struggling to create a private place for them to sleep, section off an area of the room just for the guests, and tack up a clothesline or heavy-duty string or rope.
Writer Bio
Stephanie Hartle began writing professionally in 2003. She earned a bachelor's degree in English from Grove City College and has published numerous newspaper articles in Pennsylvania. She has edited a local newspaper and reviewed background investigations in the past several years.
Photo Credits
- BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images
- BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images
- Dynamic Graphics Group/Dynamic Graphics Group/Getty Images
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