How to Arrange Picture Ledges in a Long Hallway

Hanging a picture or two is usually the go-to solution for long hallways, since most furniture is too large for the narrow space. You can dress up this ordinary display with picture ledges. They add dimension to long, narrow spaces where a chair or chest might interfere with walking or children playing. Because pictures lean against the wall on a ledge instead of hanging, they are easy to switch out. This makes it easy to update photos as kids grow while at the same time adding a visual focal point to an often forgotten space.
Step 1
Decide if you prefer a symmetrical or asymmetrical arrangement of picture ledges. For hallways with many doors, the simplicity of stacked, symmetrical ledges keeps the space from looking too busy. Ledges placed in a varied, but well-planned manner, add interest in hallways with uninterrupted walls.
Step 2
Choose two to four picture ledges that are all one length for symmetrical arrangements. The exact number will depend on the height of your wall and how high you want pictures placed. Install the ledges according to instructions in a column formation. Leave 10 to 12 inches of space between each stacked ledge to account for frame height. Repeat this picture ledge arrangement along the hallway as space allows.
Step 3
Determine the proper height for creating your picture ledge arrangement. As a general rule, photographs and artwork should hang 60 inches above the floor to put them at eye level. To follow this rule using picture ledges, position the center ledge in any arrangement about 54 inches above the floor. Framed photos on this ledge will sit at about the 60-inch mark.
Step 4
Mix up symmetrical and asymmetrical arrangements in your hallway if there is enough space. For a very long wall, use a column of picture ledges in the middle and a staggered set of ledges on each side. Consider both sides of the hallway, too. Put a symmetrical arrangement between two doorways on one side. On the opposite wall, go with a varied placement of picture ledges to break up the blank space.
Use picture ledges to hold children's books with the covers facing out for an unexpected display and added storage.
Things You Will Need
- Pencil
- Measuring tape
- Picture ledge instructions
Writer Bio
Karen Watts Perkins is a writer with a background in interior design and a master's degree in journalism. Her work has appeared in Southern Living and Lowe's Creative Ideas for Home and Garden, as well as local publications. She also writes about party ideas and celebrating everyday moments at
Photo Credits
- Digital Vision./Photodisc/Getty Images
- Digital Vision./Photodisc/Getty Images
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