How to Cut a Shielded Padlock
If a padlock’s key is lost, calling a locksmith out to make a new key is usually cost prohibitive; replacing the key will almost always cost more than the lock is worth.

Designed specifically to guard against having the shackle cut, shielded padlocks are constructed with a guard plate, or “shield,” surrounding the top of lock. Where the shackles of most unshielded padlocks are easily defeated with a saw or bolt cutters, cutting a shielded padlock requires a different approach.
Things You Will Need
- Drill
- 1/8-inch drill bit
- 1/2-inch drill bit
Drill a pilot hole into the center of the keyhole slot on the bottom of padlock with a 1/8-inch drill bit.
Cut through the lock’s tumblers. Insert the tip of a 1/2-inch drill bit into the pilot hole. Drill into the lock cylinder at slow speed until the bit has cut 1/2 inch into the lock.
Look inside the cylinder for a slot running across the top of the width of the keyhole. If the slot is not visible, continue drilling into the keyhole, with the 1/2-inch bit, in 1/8-inch increments until the slot becomes visible.
Open the lock. Insert the tip of a flat-head screwdriver into the slot in the lock cylinder and turn the handle of the screwdriver.
The Drip Cap
- If a padlock’s key is lost, calling a locksmith out to make a new key is usually cost prohibitive; replacing the key will almost always cost more than the lock is worth.
- Where the shackles of most unshielded padlocks are easily defeated with a saw or bolt cutters, cutting a shielded padlock requires a different approach.
- Insert the tip of a 1/2-inch drill bit into the pilot hole.
- “The Complete Book of Locks and Locksmithing”; Bill Phillips; 2005
Photo Credits
- Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
- Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
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