How to Recycle Rubbermaid Products
Storing your unwanted toys in Rubbermaid containers saves cardboard boxes and prevents insects and mold from ruining your toys and clothing. Reusing Rubbermaid products reduces waste by itself, but at some point, even the waste savers need recycling. Recycling used plastics wasn't always so popular.

In fact, some recycling plants still won't process high-density polyurethane type plastics like Rubbermaid. But thanks to an increasing public public environmental consciousness, and the availability of recycling options, responsibly disposing of your Rubbermaid products is easier than ever.
Take your Rubbermaid containers to your local recycling facility. Call ahead of time to make sure they accept high-density polyurethane plastics like most Rubbermaid containers and other products. Search for the closest recycling center to you through the website Earth911.
Contact your local utility department and ask if they offer utility credits for plastic recyclables. Many local governments will credit your utility account a certain amount for each piece of recyclable plastic of a certain category. For example, your town might accept plastics between the grades of one through seven. Look on the bottom of your plastic container to find out its category. The category will be surrounded by a triangle of arrows.
Place your Rubbermaid products on the curb with the rest of your recycling. Go to the website for your local department of refuse to find out which types of plastics your community collects through curbside service. Not all communities offer curbside recycling, and those that do take recyclable materials don't always accept high-density polyurethane plastics, like some Rubbermaid containers.
The Drip Cap
- Storing your unwanted toys in Rubbermaid containers saves cardboard boxes and prevents insects and mold from ruining your toys and clothing.
- Reusing Rubbermaid products reduces waste by itself, but at some point, even the waste savers need recycling.
- The category will be surrounded by a triangle of arrows.
- Go to the website for your local department of refuse to find out which types of plastics your community collects through curbside service.
Writer Bio
Christina Bednarz Schnell began writing full-time in 2010. Her areas of expertise include child development and behavior, medical conditions and pet health. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in international relations.
Photo Credits
- wheelbarrow and bins image by Horticulture from
- wheelbarrow and bins image by Horticulture from
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