How to Clean Badly Stained or Greasy Tupperware Containers
Tupperware is a manufacturer of sealable plastic containers, available in a number of sizes and shapes, that are typically used for storing leftover foods, sauces or cooking oils. Though the containers are durable and resistant to staining, they can can become discolored or develop a greasy film over time.

Avoid spending money on replacement Tupperware by cleaning your current batch with household products.
Things You Will Need
- Dish sponge
- Dishwashing liquid
- Bleach (optional)
Spray a thin coat of cooking spray into your Tupperware container prior to food storage to avoid stains and stuck-on grease. Wait until food or sauce cools before storing it in your container to reduce the chance of staining. Store your Tupperware with the lids off or slightly open to allow air circulation. Closed containers can retain food odors and make the plastic smell foul.
Never use abrasive materials, such as steel wool, to clean a Tupperware container. They'll scratch the plastic and allow stains to seep in.
If you use bleach as a stain remover, rinse the Tupperware thoroughly before using it to store food.
Place a stopper in your sink's drain and fill it with warm to hot water.
Submerge the greasy Tupperware container in the water and allow it to soak for several minutes.
Squirt several drops of dishwashing liquid onto the soft side of a sponge. Squeeze the sponge to create a rich, soapy lather.
Wash the inside of the container with the soft side of the sponge. Rinse the Tupperware container out with warm water; follow with a cool-water rinse.
Pat the container dry with a paper towel and check that all of the grease is gone. If not, repeat Steps 2 through 5.
Place the Tupperware in direct sunlight for a few hours to dissolve stains caused by tomato and other sauces. Or, you can soak the container in a mixture of one part water and one part bleach.
The Drip Cap
- Tupperware is a manufacturer of sealable plastic containers, available in a number of sizes and shapes, that are typically used for storing leftover foods, sauces or cooking oils.
- Place a stopper in your sink's drain and fill it with warm to hot water.
- Wash the inside of the container with the soft side of the sponge.
Writer Bio
Brandon Getty began writing professionally in 2008, with columns appearing in "Thrasher" magazine. He received a Bachelor of Arts in literature from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and lives in Stockton, Calif.
Photo Credits
- Nossa Productions/Photodisc/Getty Images
- Nossa Productions/Photodisc/Getty Images
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