How to Remove Paint From a Concrete Pool Deck
A concrete pool deck may have been painted to change the look of the concrete or paint may have been spilled on the concrete while painting an adjacent surface such as a house, pool house or shed.

When large areas of paint are removed from concrete using strong chemicals, use run-off dams to prevent the run-off from entering the storm system. Check with your local township office for regulations in your area. However, small areas of spilled paint do not pose an environmental hazard and can be removed without such methods.
Things You Will Need
- Pressure washer
- 15-degree stripping nozzle
- Citrus-based solvent, methylene chloride or potassium hydroxide
- Containment dam (manufactured or sand bags as needed)
- Acid neutralizer (if methylene chloride or potassium hydroxide are used)
Prevent paint drips on concrete pool decks when painting adjacent buildings by covering the concrete with drop cloths.
Large fines can result from improper disposal of chemical waste and run-off. Follow all local regulations regarding run-off and disposal of excess chemicals.
Remove everything from the concrete pool deck such as furniture, toys and pool supplies.
Attach a 15-degree stripping nozzle to a pressure washer.
Spray a section of the paint with the pressure washer. If the paint lifts off the concrete, continue cleaning the paint off the concrete pool deck without the use of chemicals to soften the paint. Position the nozzle so the spray from the pressure washer and the removed paint flow away from the pool water.
Use a chemical to soften the paint if the water pressure from the pressure washer does not remove the paint. Start with the least harmful chemical possible to soften the paint for removal. A citrus-based solvent is least harmful to the environment and surrounding vegetation. Saturate the paint with the citrus-based solvent. Apply in sections if the area is large.
Allow the citrus solvent to soften paint for the time recommended on the label by the manufacturer.
Point the nozzle of the pressure washer so the paint and citrus solvent flow away from the pool. Spray the paint off in sections.
Use methylene chloride or potassium hydroxide to soften the paint if needed.
Position a containment dam at a downhill location to contain the run-off and removed paint.
Neutralize the chosen acid with an acid neutralizer according to package directions.
Collect and dispose of waste according to local regulations.
The Drip Cap
- A concrete pool deck may have been painted to change the look of the concrete or paint may have been spilled on the concrete while painting an adjacent surface such as a house, pool house or shed.
- When large areas of paint are removed from concrete using strong chemicals, use run-off dams to prevent the run-off from entering the storm system.
- Start with the least harmful chemical possible to soften the paint for removal.
- Point the nozzle of the pressure washer so the paint and citrus solvent flow away from the pool.
- Collect and dispose of waste according to local regulations.
Writer Bio
Emily Patterson has been creating content for websites since 1996. She specializes in home improvement, natural body care and natural cleaning articles. Patterson holds a computing certificate from Penn State University.
Photo Credits
- Pool image by apeschi from
- Pool image by apeschi from
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