How to Dry Isopropyl Alcohol
Isopropyl alcohol, or rubbing alcohol, has many uses around the house, especially when it comes to cleaning or disinfecting bug bites. It is simple to use, and drying it is normally not a problem.

Since there is such a high concentration of alcohol in isopropyl alcohol, the alcohol typically dries quickly without any intervention. But if you need the alcohol to dry quickly then there are a few things to try.
Mop up all excess rubbing alcohol with paper towels, and use the hair dryer to quickly dry rubbing alcohol on furniture to help reduce damaging marks.
Use a hairdryer on any surface that alcohol is put on, except for pets’ faces. Some breeds will get respiratory problems from this method, but if there is rubbing alcohol on your body from bug bites, a quick run over with a hair dryer will dry it quickly.
Blow on the rubbing alcohol until the surface is dry.
Set up a heater in front of any spills on porous materials like carpet. The carpet may still be damaged, depending on the color and age, but the alcohol will dry.
Things You Will Need
- Hair dryer
- Paper towels
- Heater
There are many household uses for rubbing alcohol.
Rubbing alcohol is toxic if ingested. Store in a safe place out of reach of children or household pets.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/ Images
- Jupiterimages/ Images
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