How to Soften a Comforter
When initially purchasing a comforter, you are typically attracted to the design and quality. A common problem with new comforters is the stiff, uncomfortable feel of the comforter. Many people enjoy the feel of a soft, fluffy comforter, so you must figure out a way to soften the bedding.

Luckily, you can compromise by purchasing the comforter, then incorporating a few techniques to soften the comforter without causing damage.
Things You Will Need
- Fabric softener dryer sheets
- Tennis balls
Place the comforter into the dryer. You will typically need a large dryer to fit the comforter, so use a large commercial dryer at a self-service laundry if necessary.
Place three fabric softener dryer sheets into the dryer.
Toss two tennis balls into the dryer as well.
Turn on your dryer, using a tumble dry setting on low heat. Allow the dryer to run for about 20 minutes. The fabric softener sheets soften the comforter while the tennis balls soften and fluff the comforter.
Remove the comforter from the dryer and shake to add an additional fluffing element.
The Drip Cap
- When initially purchasing a comforter, you are typically attracted to the design and quality.
- Luckily, you can compromise by purchasing the comforter, then incorporating a few techniques to soften the comforter without causing damage.
- Place three fabric softener dryer sheets into the dryer.
Writer Bio
Mel Frank is a professional freelance writer with over 15 years of writing experience. She has completed a wide variety of writing assignments for a number of publications that include CNN and various websites. Frank received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from a prestigious university in Pennsylvania.
Photo Credits
- Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
- Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
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