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How to Clean Porous Tile

Mel Frank

Most ceramic and stone tile is porous, meaning it has indentations and an uneven surface that can often be difficult to clean thoroughly with just a mop and a bucket. Combine that with deep-set grout lines between the tiles, and you are left with an uneven surface that requires an occasional deep cleaning.

Cleaning porous tile is easy.

This can be done with a cleaning routine that uses strong cleaning items that thoroughly clean the porous tile.

  1. Make a cleaning solution by filling one cleaning bucket with one gallon of hot water, and either two drops of vinegar or two drops of dish soap. Fill a separate cleaning bucket with hot water.

  2. Dip a scrub brush into the bucket of cleaning solution, and begin scrubbing the porous tile. Start at one side of the room, and work your way to the opposite side.

  3. After cleaning about three square feet of tile, dip a cleaning rag into the bucket of clean hot water. Wring it out and wipe the tile you just scrubbed.

  4. Allow the tile to air dry, or speed up the drying process by wiping with a clean, dry cloth.

The Drip Cap

  • Most ceramic and stone tile is porous, meaning it has indentations and an uneven surface that can often be difficult to clean thoroughly with just a mop and a bucket.
  • Combine that with deep-set grout lines between the tiles, and you are left with an uneven surface that requires an occasional deep cleaning.
  • Fill a separate cleaning bucket with hot water.