How to Remove Wax From a Muslin Strip
Salon estheticians and at-home bathroom hair removers alike use warm or cold wax applied to the body and pulled away on muslin strips that bring the unwanted hair with them. Because waxing pulls hair from the root, the results last for up to a few weeks.

Some sugar-based hair removal products contain water-soluble ingredients that wash away from the muslin strips with simple soap and warm water, but hair remover wax contains oils, resin and dyes that may prove more challenging to remove when you want to reuse your strips.
Things You Will Need
- Butter knife
- Heavy-duty laundry pretreatment
- Heavy-duty laundry detergent
- Washing machine
Muslin strips may wrinkle extensively in the dryer. Lay them flat to dry in the sun if possible, applying some weight to hold them in place.
Scrape away excess wax with the dull edge of a butter knife.
Apply heavy-duty laundry pretreatment to the strip and allow it to sit, according to the manufacturer's instructions. Rinse the muslin strips in hot water.
Launder the muslin strips in hot water with heavy-duty laundry detergent. Inspect the muslin strips when they come out of the laundry to see whether any traces of the stain remain. If the wax or any stickiness remains, repeat the process. If you see only the color of the wax's dye, launder the strips again using chlorine bleach with the laundry detergent. Do not dry the strips until the stain is completely gone because the heat from the dryer can set the stain.
The Drip Cap
- Salon estheticians and at-home bathroom hair removers alike use warm or cold wax applied to the body and pulled away on muslin strips that bring the unwanted hair with them.
- Some sugar-based hair removal products contain water-soluble ingredients that wash away from the muslin strips with simple soap and warm water, but hair remover wax contains oils, resin and dyes that may prove more challenging to remove when you want to reuse your strips.
- Launder the muslin strips in hot water with heavy-duty laundry detergent.
Writer Bio
Andrea Lott Haney writes articles and training materials for food industry publications. Having studied foodservice sanitation, nutrition and menu planning at Purdue University, Lott Haney has more than 10 years of experience as a catering and event planner for luxury hotels and currently tours the Midwest as a corporate customer service trainer and consultant.
Photo Credits
- BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images
- BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images
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